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The Value of Community

One valuable lesson we’ve learned in our legal industry, and working with seniors and families, is the importance of community. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, we continue to rely on family, friends, professionals, specific services and others to help us navigate life well into adulthood.

Why You Need a Personal Board of Advisors?

Climbers use a rope team for protection and rescue, while companies rely on a board of directors or advisors for guidance and accountability. Why shouldn’t we have a village to help us grow old? Who wouldn’t benefit from a personal rope team or board of advisors?

Key Members of Your Board

In your Legal Life Planning™, we often discuss who you trust to make healthcare or financial decisions for you. However, your Personal Board of Advisors should extend beyond these individuals. It should include professionals in legal, financial, insurance and healthcare fields, as well as trusted family members, friends, and other community members.

Plan ahead, identify your advisors and their jobs.

  • Legal (Attorney)
  • Taxes (Accountant)
  • Financial (Advisor or Planner)
  • Insurance (Life, Medical and Long-term Care Agents)
  • Healthcare (General Physicians and Specialists)

Qualities of a Good Advisor

What makes someone a good candidate for your board? Look for people you trust to make sound decisions, have your best interests at heart, and will tell you the truth and be able to follow instructions. Additionally, these individuals must possess the aptitude and emotional strength to follow through with your identified wishes. These qualities are essential for guiding you through life’s challenges, ensuring your well-being and honoring your wishes.

Building Your Support Network

Just like the village that raised us as kids, we need people we can rely on for honest advice, support, and guidance. These trusted advisors will help you when you are in physical or financial danger, offer a sounding board for ideas and problem-solving, and provide emotional support.

An Ongoing Process

Assembling your Personal Board of Advisors is an ongoing process. Join us this year as we explore the different roles to fill on your board and how to build a robust support network for your future.

Listen to learn more on the Senior Matters Podcast with Mark E. Wight