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Checking In with Aging Loved Ones: What to Look For and Discuss

Checking in on your loved ones is important and now is a good time to do it. Whether you are visiting in person or talking over the phone, it is an opportunity to have conversations about difficult topics. Begin or continue important conversations about their needs. In a recent episode of Senior Matters Radio Podcast, we discussed some key things to look for that might indicate your loved ones need additional help or a change in their living situation. Beyond the physical signs, create a valuable moment and have meaningful conversations about their future.

Evaluating Needs and Wants

“They will ask if they need my help,” is not usually how it works.  For many, asking for help is very difficult.  You should take the first step and ask your loved one directly, “What do you need and how can I help?”  Aging parents or relatives do not always recognize when they need help Below are questions to consider:

  • Do they need assistance with yard work?
  • Do you need help with household chores?
  • Are they managing to prepare meals and handle groceries effectively?
  • Is bill paying or organizing finances becoming difficult for them?

These simple questions open the door to necessary conversations. It is better to ask now, even if it feels uncomfortable. Avoid waiting until the situation becomes urgent.

If you find yourself in need of help, do not be afraid to speak up. You do not have to have all the answers right away. A simple statement like, “I’m finding it hard to keep up with dinners” or “Grocery shopping has become a chore” can start a conversation that leads to practical solutions. Those solutions can be as simple as utilizing grocery and meal delivery services. Be open, your loved ones want to help and support you.

Discussing Finances

Finances are a sensitive topic, but they are crucial to discuss, especially as we age. Many people are hesitant to talk about their financial situation, either out of pride or fear of being judged. However, understanding the financial landscape is important for making informed decisions and ensuring everything is in order. Involving a trusted loved one can help you avoid financial scams too.

If your loved one is having trouble managing their finances, it is important to offer help before the situation becomes unmanageable. Seniors are particularly vulnerable to scams and asking for assistance in organizing bills and financial documents can provide much-needed protection.

For children or other loved ones, not knowing the financial situation can lead to significant challenges down the road. The sooner you have the discussions, the more options are available. By addressing financial concerns early, you can help safeguard that your loved one’s resources are used wisely and that their wishes are respected.

Evaluating the Living Situation

Another key area to consider is your loved one’s living situation. Are they content where they are, or do they need more support?

  • Are they able to move around the house safely?
  • Do they need help with daily tasks like cooking and cleaning?
  • Are they feeling lonely or isolated?

These are crucial questions to ask. If your loved one is not entirely happy with their current situation, there are many options available to improve their quality of life. Whether it is arranging for in-home care, companion care, or in-home health care or considering a move to a more supportive environment, there are options. The goal is to ensure that they are comfortable and well cared for. Understanding their needs is the first step in making the right choices for their future.

Planning for the Future

If your loved one has not yet formalized their wishes, start the conversation. Legal documents such as a power of attorney, living will (advanced healthcare directive), and estate plan are vital to making sure their wishes are respected and their family is protected.

  • Discuss plans for long-term care, disability, and other potential future needs.
  • These conversations may be difficult, but they are far less stressful than leaving your family without guidance during a crisis.

If you need help starting these conversations, we are here to assist. Our goal is that everyone has the necessary plans for comfort and peace of mind. Contact our office for a free consultation—we would love to help you and your loved ones prepare for the future.