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Even though Valentine’s Day has passed (and now the candy is on sale) we still want to focus on how planning helps your loved ones; taking care of your sweetheart. We all want the best for our families. We work hard to give them the best that we can throughout our lives, and often want that to continue after we pass. We can tell you now that there are many families, who even with the best intentions, leave their families in a tough spot. That’s why we encourage everyone to plan while they can.

Plan for your health (or lack thereof)

We are doing what we need to do, eating our broccoli, getting our steps in, and seeing our doctor regularly. But even doing our best, we can’t control our health. You never know when something could happen that would make it necessary for someone else to make health decisions on your behalf. If you don’t communicate in advance you could leave your loved ones in a very difficult position. They may not know your wishes or how much care you’d want, or, in the worst cases, they fight about it and end up in court fighting each other.

There are countless ways this situation could go wrong, so be sure to appoint a decision-maker and talk to them about what you would want and what you value in your care. This gives you and everyone else peace of mind. Don’t leave your family with more heartache and stress than they’ll already be experiencing—be sure to plan as much as you can while you can.

Plan for long-term care

Well, it’s a double-edged sword situation, right? Either you need long-term care or you won’t. You’ll pass on either way, but if you don’t have a plan to pay for long-term care, you’ll leave your family in a tough spot. Families in this position end up having to make very hard decisions about what kind of care you/they can afford. Often this can end up with you not getting the kind of care you need or them bearing the brunt of the burden of your care. Nobody wants that, not you or your family.

Save your family the heartache of making those really terrible decisions by planning ahead. There are so many options when you start planning early. The closer you get to needing care, the fewer options that exist.

Call our office or email us for more information. We’ll help ensure you have a plan in place that gives you peace of mind. Your sweetheart will be able to focus on you and your care, rather than worrying about things that they shouldn’t have to—as long as you’ve made a plan.