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Medical Care Immediately Prior to Death

In the first half of the 20th century, most people who died had an accident or contracted a disease or they had physical disorders that inevitably lead to death. Life-saving medical interventions such as sophisticated resuscitation, complicated surgeries, life-saving treatments, ventilators, feeding tubes and other life-support were rarely used or even available. Nowadays there is great emphasis on curing medical problems sometimes to the exclusion of recognizing that death might be a more welcome outcome.

Surveys indicate that older people are often more afraid of death than younger people. But for all Americans — young and old — there is a great fear of death.  Oftentimes, the families of those near death will go to great lengths to try interventions that may be ineffective in prolonging life. Estimates are that about 30% of Medicare reimbursements are spent on people in the last year of their life. It is a fact that much of this medical care did little to prevent death and prolong life.

According to the Dartmouth Atlas study on death:

“The quality of medical intervention is often more a matter of the quality of caring than the quality of curing, and never more so than when life nears its end. Yet medicine’s focus is disproportionately on curing, or at least on the ability to keep patients alive with life-support systems and other medical interventions. This ability to intervene at the end of life has raised a host of medical and ethical issues for patients, physicians, and policy makers.”

The Dartmouth Atlas project uncovered some startling differences in what happens to Americans during their last six months of life. The level of hospitalization during those months varies greatly from one region to the next.

The Atlas researchers asked why this was so.  Why is someone living in Miami so much more likely to receive a great deal of high-tech, expensive medical services, while someone with the same condition who lives in Minneapolis receives so much less? The answer appears to have very little to do with religious or spiritual beliefs or personal preferences.  Rather, the answer appears to be that the capacity of the local health care system – the per-capita supply of hospital beds, doctors, and other forms of medical resources – is the dominating influence. Those who live in areas like Miami, where there are very high per capita supplies of hospital beds, specialists, and other resources, have one kind of end of life experience. Those who live in areas like Minneapolis or San Francisco, where acute care hospital resources are much scarcer, have very different kinds of deaths.

The question, then, is which is better? From the dying person’s perspective, more is not necessarily a good thing.  That is, more visits to doctors for someone who is very sick can be stressful and exhausting. For many people a hospitalized death is something to be avoided if at all possible. From the perspective of the health care system, much of the care being given is futile, and accomplishes little. People who live in areas with very high utilization of hospital resources do not live longer than people who die in areas where utilization is lower – and if extension of life is not the goal of intervention, what is?

Deciding How and When to Stop Curing and Start Caring

Some people are content to leave decisions regarding their death in the hands of others. By doing so, they may expose themselves to unnecessary and futile treatments as outlined above. They may experience numerous visits to the emergency room in the last stages of their life. And their dependency on others often results in great stress to family members when loved ones at the end-of-life lose their capacity and didn’t make their last wishes known. Families are often forced to make decisions about life-support and treatment without knowing whether their loved one would have wanted these interventions.

Advance Directives

These, are the minimum documents you need to make sure your wishes for health and medical care and end of life decisions are honored.

  • Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
  • Living Will
  • POST (Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment)
  • HIPAA Release

A patient or his or her spouse or a family member will typically call 911 in the event of a life-threatening emergency. Very seldom will the advanced directives end up with anyone in the emergency room. Therefore, medical decisions are generally made by family members who show up at the hospital. The actual health treatment wishes of the patient may be at home in the desk drawer. It is therefore extremely important to remember to take these documents to the emergency room whenever a crisis arises. It is also critical that family members be made aware of your wishes and the existence of your advance medical directives as well as where they can be found.

When it comes to these very difficult questions timing is everything. In order to maintain control as long as possible and have an effect on your own end of life decisions you must choose to act now. Your decisions need to be made known and documented correctly. Good planning is no accident!

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