2025 Medicare Changes: What You Need to Know
Idaho Estate Planning’s Legal Life Plan Protector Program Members are invited to join attorney, Mark Wight and special guest Aaron Flake, Healthcare Advisor and Medicare expert, for an important in-person seminar on the upcoming 2025 Medicare changes.
Medicare is undergoing significant updates in 2025, especially for Idahoans. Due to market exits, 31,000 to 33,000 people need new plans. These changes could also lead to higher premiums, increased copays, or reduced benefits in some Medicare Advantage plans. Now is the time to review your coverage and make necessary adjustments during the open enrollment period. There is power in knowledge!
As an Idaho Estate Planning Member, you have received details of this event in your email inbox. Please open your email and RSVP. RSVPs are required, THIS EVENT IS FULL.
RSVP to tina@idahoestateplanning.com – THIS EVENT IS FULL
If you could not secure a spot in Idaho Estate Plannings member information meeting, you can follow the below link and select from one of Saint Alphonsus’ public seminars. https://www.thpmedicare.org/saint-alphonsus/plans-and-benefits/attend-a-seminar