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When it comes to taking care of the Vet in your life, there are a few options that keep care up and costs down. We work with a number of Vets and their families and work hard to ensure each individual gets the care they need. Depending on each family’s situation, there are a number of ways to pay for long-term care and healthcare. The best option is to get professional assistance in making a plan—the sooner you start planning for the eventuality of needed help, the better the options.

VA Aid & Attendance Benefit

The first thing we look at when we work with a Vet and family is if they are eligible for the Aid & Attendance benefit. This specific benefit helps pay for long-term care for some Vets and surviving spouses. We’ve covered this quite a bit on our blog before. You can read up on the specifics here to see if your loved one may qualify.

Applying for the benefit is completely free, but you’ll want to make sure you meet the criteria before you start. Like many VA/Federal programs, the application process can be long!

VA Health Benefits

Many Vets take advantage of the health benefits they receive through the VA. From their general practitioner to hospitalizations and surgery, the VA provides a number of these health benefits. This means your Vet will have little to no out-of-pocket costs for their healthcare. But again, these benefits come with the bureaucracy of the government system.


For Vets who don’t qualify for the Aid & Attendance Benefit, Medicaid is available to cover long-term care costs. However, if the individual has any assets (including a home), they need to be able to qualify for the income-based requirements of Medicaid. This is where advance planning comes in to play. With enough planning, your loved one can keep their home and assets while STILL qualifying for Medicaid. But it takes maneuvering and a few years of notice.

The reality is that there are a number of options for helping our Vets get the healthcare and long-term care they need. Whether they choose to be at home or move into an assisted living situation, there are solutions. However, it takes planning and looking ahead. The longer you wait to get help, options get limited. If you need help understanding the best course of action, we would love to help. Contact our office today and schedule a FREE Right FitTM Meeting.